Having been given the arduous but prestigious task of sharpening the budding minds of today to ensure a better tomorrow, teaching has always been an unassuming profession. Silently ‘carving away’ at the ‘foundation stones’ of society, these sculptors haven’t yet received the credit they are due. This is especially true of rural/semi-urban India wherein the self-image and external perception of teachers has been battered because of a weak self-drive and a poor understanding of why teachers matter respectively. 

In order to not only cement their self-esteem, but also place them on society’s proverbial ‘pedestal’, it was essential to reinforce via branding, their core USP in everyone’s minds-that they are natural talent scouts. By virtue of their profession, a teacher can potentially gain tremendous insight into what a student loves best- ranging from an undying love for calculus to a natural affinity to the stage. Using two sets of activities, one individual-oriented, and the other group-oriented, the project seeks to enable teachers to do this task effectively so that the students can gradually understand their natural talent across a wide-ranging spectrum of disciplines and take these insights home via take-away achievement cards. Simultaneously, not only do teachers fully grasp the vast sea of talent hidden within their students’, but so do their parents and the society at large, who will be none too delighted to know that each ‘ bud’ of today has been shown its very own customized path so that it flowers beyond expectation and collectively, they conspire to usher in a vibrant and beautiful tomorrow.
Content mapping for the teachers' aid
Character designing sketches for the talent mascots 
Teacher's aid that incorporates the game manual, questions, achievement cards and play-dice
Jar of chits that the teacher uses to trigger curiosity and anticipation in classroom
Dodecahedron dice used during the group-oriented activity. Structurally changed from a 6-sided dice for better motion 
Mascots for each talent (based on Howard Gardner's multiple intelligences)
Take-away achievement cards after each activity



Branding teachers as natural talent scouts.
